A. 酰亚胺基团
B. 丙二胺基团
C. 乙二胺基团
D. 酰肼基团
E. 酰胺基团
包衣缓控释制剂释药原理是 ()
A. 溶出原理
B. 扩散原理
C. 溶蚀与扩散相结合原理
D. 渗透泵原理
E. 离子交换作用原理
A. By spending less on health care.
By feeding less people.
C. By having more work labors.
D. By receiving more donations.
Which of the following accords with the authors view?
A. Charges on patented-drugindustry are anything but true.
B. Generics industry is asheer victim in the competition.
C. Only drug giants are toblame.
D. Exclusion of genericsindustry from taking responsibility is questionable.