The author seems to believe that the US will have positive outcomes in Iraq if
A. enough security can be obtained after the war on terrorism.
B. troops in Iraq take no further military actions.
C. a representative regime is established through peaceful means.
D. people in the US remain calm and reasonable.
A. 10
B. 0
C. 15
D. 7.5
税务登记是税收征收管理工作的首要环节,而税款征收则是中心环节。 ()
A. 正确
B. 错误
A. 当已规定了要求工期Tr时:Tp≤Tr
B. 当未规定要求工期时:Tp=Tc
C. Tc是网络计划的计算工期,Tc=max{EFi-n}
D. Tc是网络计划的计算工期,Tc=EFn