
Who delivers this speech?(查阅课外资料)

Andrew Carnegie
B. Ralph Waldo Emerson
C. Albert Einstein
D. Thomas Alva Edison


Among them, who also delivers speech in Pittsburgh?(查阅课外资料)

A. Konrad N.Hilton
B. John Davison Rockefeller
C. Emerson
D. Abraham Lincoln

Directions: There are two or three meanings for each semi-technical term underlined in th following sentences. Choose the correct one according to the context.1. Researchers can combine them easily and inexpensively, into thin films that have a highly crystalline structure similar to that achieved in silicon wafers after costly, high-temperature processing.

A. thin coating or covering
B. roll or sheet of thin flexible material for use in photographs


A. 鸡头壶
B. 梅瓶
C. 玉壶春
D. 斗笠碗


A. 忍冬
B. 莲花
C. 卷草
D. 饕餮
