A. Find a more suitable job by declining the present one. B. Decline the employer directly and politely. C. Thank the employer although she was rejected. D. Tell the employer her current situation.
A.煮沸 B.流动蒸气 C.火焰烧灼 D.高压蒸汽 E.高压蒸饭锅
A.刀、剪 B.布类物品 C.内窥镜 D.玻璃搪瓷类物品 E.缝针、丝线
A.玻璃制品 B.搪瓷类 C.敷料 D.橡胶类 E.手术刀片
A.2.5%碘酒 B.70%酒精 C.0.1%新洁尔灭液 D.1/5000 洗必太液 E.福尔马林