In recent years, there has been a dramatic increase in the range of media used to(71)information. Initially, communication was limited to simple forms of(72)such as voice and paper. This century, however, has witnessed the introduction of a greater variety of media types such as the telephone and visual forms of media. In the latter part of the century, this trend has accelerated and there is now a wide range of media types available to convey information. These advances provide a great opportunity for new developments in a range of areas such as education and commerce. However, there are also a number of problems associated with the growth of(73)in society. In particular, there is a great danger of creating information(74). This problem can be seen, for example, in business where executives are required to make decisions based on an ever increasing variety and volume of information.(75)problems are also occurring in areas such as government, health care and education.
A. speak
B. convey
C. tell
D. spread
开始直到该软件报废为止的整个时期,包括:可行性分析和项目开发计划,需求分析,概要设计,详细设计,编码,测试,维护等阶段。其中需求分析是由分析员了解用户的要求,认真细致地调研,分析,最终应建立目标系统的逻辑模型并写出(4),而概要设计的结果是提供一份(5),而软件测试中设计测试实例(test case)主要由输入数据和(6)两部分组成。
A. 模块说明书
B. 软件规格说明书
C. 项目开发计划
D. 合同文档