利用离子极化的相关理论,预测以下溶解度相对大小,正确的是 ( )。
A. ZnS > CdS > HgS
B. CdS > ZnS > HgS
C. HgS > ZnS > CdS
D. HgS > CdS > ZnS
下列离子极化力由小到大排序正确的是 ( )。
A. Ge2+ < I- < Sn2+
B. Sn2+ < Ge2+ < I-
C. I- < Ge2+ < Sn2+
D. I- < Sn2+ < Ge2+
下列碳酸盐中,分解温度最低的是( )。
A. Na2CO3
B. K2CO3
C. ZnCO3
D. MgCO3
Choose the answer that correctly interprets the sentence from the text.1.One night, I didn’t turn off the water fast enough to her liking. (Para. 1)
A. One night, she wasn't pleased with the way I turned off the water, because she thought I didn't do it fast enough.
B. One night, I didn't turn off the water as fast as she did; it seemed that she liked doing it herself.
2.We need to conserve our resources to buy ourselves time so scientists can find new solutions to our problems.(Para. 2)
A. We should conserve our resources. If we do so the money we save will be used to find new solutions to our problems.
B. We should conserve our resources. If we do so the resources will probably last long enough for scientists to find new solutions to our problems.