

A. 在对个人买卖股票的差价收入未恢复征收个人所得税以前,对个人投资者申购和赎回基金单位取得的差价收入征收个人所得税
B. 投资者从基金分配中获得的股票股利收入以及企业债券利息收入,由上市公司和发行债券的企业再向基金派发股息、红利、利息时代扣代缴33%的个人所得税
C. 目前个人投资者投资基金暂免征收印花税
D. 对投资者从基金分配中获得的国债利息、买卖股票收入、国债利息收入、个人买卖股票差价收入未恢复征收所得税以前,暂不征收所得税



A. 正确
B. 错误

When bullying occurs, parents should ______.

A. help the bullying child get rid of cruelty
B. resort to the mediator
C. avoid getting too protective
D. resist-the temptation of calling

According to the surveys in the US, ______.

A. bullying among adults is also rising
B. parents are not supervising their children well
C. parents seldom believe bullies
D. most parents resort to calling to deal with bullying

An 18-year-old is believed to take a meaningful gap year when he/she ______.

A. lives up to his/her parents' expectations
B. spends time being lazy and doing nothing
C. learns skills by spending parents' money
D. earns his or her living and gains working experience
