
Henry is ______ to stay in the forest.

A. glad
B. angry
C. safe
D. afraid


The sentence "Traffic accidents declare millions of lives" means ______.

A. traffic accidents make some people become millionaires
B. many people die from traffic accidents
C. millions of people say they themselves have had traffic accidents
D. millions of people remain healthy after traffic accidents

Henry has to cut down the trees because ______.

A. he can do nothing except it
B. he likes to stay in the quiet forest
C. he can't get on well with others
D. he is very strong


A. 公安局于2004年1月24日分别逮捕了甲、乙、丙、丁后将四人共同关押在某看守所的某室
B. 在人民检察院提起公诉后,该法院组成了未成年人刑事案件合议庭对案件进行审理,合议庭成员均为男法官
C. 甲、乙、丙均委托了律师作为辩护人,唯独丁未委托辩护人,法院也未为其指定辩护人
D. 在法院开庭审理过程中,甲、乙、丙、丁均戴着手铐,其中,甲、乙、丁还被法庭 允许坐着回答问题
E. 法院认为四被告的行为构成抢劫罪,分别判处甲有期徒刑3年,缓刑3年,并处罚金4 000元;乙、丙、丁均为有期徒刑2年,缓刑3年,并处罚金4 000元。后来该法院在该市的体育馆宣告了判决,据新闻报道,当时在场观看的群众约有2 000人

Henry doesn't like to use his head, so ______.

A. he has little knowledge
B. he is young and strong
C. he tries to be a farmer
D. he finds a job on a farm
