A. 闪光灯
B. 三脚架
C. 遮光罩
D. 摄影包
A. 对
B. 错
手持单反相机拍摄时,快门速度应至少为1 / 焦距。比如以100mm的焦距拍摄时,你的快门速度应该至少为1/100,避免相机的抖动。
A. 对
B. 错
The following are some suggestions for Sharon based on her self-test results. Complete these suggestion with some phrases from the text.A: It is OK for Sharon to wear at work if the company allows it. But it is also necessary to have one or two formal suits just in case.B: I think Sharon can choose companies that value teamwork because she likes to take part in theC: In some companies, mean that one has to work quite late at night. So, Sharon should prepare for this.D: That employees are allowed to move between departments in a(n) is not so good for one’s career development in the long run.
1.【单选题】国家资本所有制( ) 。
A. 所有权与控制权统一于国家
B. 企业的所有权和控制权发生了分离
C. 各类法人是企业的出资人
D. 资本占有主体多元化