Sam Walton's mother always said to him that he should try to be the best he could at_________.
A. retailing
B. bargaining
C. schooling
D. anything he was involved in
When he was young, Sam Walton was greatly impressed by his father' s ability to__________.
A. run his business
B. deal with the farmers who had gone bankrupt
C. run his finances
D. motivate people around him
A. 民族主义
B. 民权主义
C. 民生主义
D. 民本主义
1904 年开始,各地建立的资产阶级革命团体有()
A. 华兴会
B. 科学补习所
C. 光复会
D. 岳王会
1905年,中国同盟会制定的革命纲领是( )
A. 驱除鞑虏
B. 恢复中华
C. 创立民国
D. 平均地权