Furthermore, Bulldogs suffered much more from long periods of stress, during which they had a higher level of a particular protein which indicates a form of inflammation liked to several serious diseases, including killers like diabetes and heart disease.The main part of the sentence is "they had a higher level of a particular protein".
The researcher indicated that accepting defeat allows the Quitters to look forward and set themselves new goals in life.The subject in the objective clause is “Quitters”.
A. 对
B. 错
A. 不辐射可见光的物体;
B. 不辐射任何光强的物体;
C. 不反射可见光的物体;
D. 不反射任何光线的物体
A. 温度越高,辐射波长越短
B. 温度越高,辐射波长越长
C. 温度越低,辐射波长越短
D. 温度与波长变化呈线形关系
A. lm与T成正比
B. lm与T2成正比
C. lm与T4成正比
D. lm与T成反比