
Scientists now tend to agree that the noise level for potential hearing loss begins at about 70 decibels. Some of them are very concerned because normal daily life often exposes people to noise levels of about 70 decibels even inside their homes. Cities have always been noisy, but noise is now spreading to areas that were quiet just a few years ago. Clearly, something must be done or noise will seriously and permanently maim the population. Fortunately, the knowledge and methods to control noise already exist. As a matter of fact, this is one instance where the knowledge of control methods exceeds the knowledge about the effects on human life and on the environment. There are two common means for control. The first is reducing noise at its source, and the second is changing the sound path by distance or by shielding. The second approach is being used more often today as people become more aware of the danger of noise. New building codes require better sound insulation in homes and apartments. More and more towns are passing zoning ordinances that try to segregate noisy factories or airports from residential areas. Sound-absorbent materials and construction designed to block sound paths are slowly coming into use in offices and homes. New highways are being built to redirect traffic noise up and away from nearby areas. Aircraft are increasingly being required to use reduced-power flights around airports. There are many examples of available noise control methods that are not being used. More flexible building codes would permits the use of quieter kinds of plumbing pipes. Sound-absorbent materials can reduce the noise of motors and engines. Power generators can be quieted with baffles, exhaust silencers, and sound absorbers. Truck tires can be made with quieter treads. In many cases, the most of building quieter machines is the same or only slightly higher than that of the current noisy ones. Even though the new jumbo jets, for example, are quieter than the older ones, yet they are more powerful and carry twice as many passengers. All of these methods are only partial measures as noisy levels continue to rise. Most specialists in the field agree that much of the solution must come from eliminating some of the noise at its source, therefore saving through prevention the large costs of hearing loss.
The noise level for possible hearing loss begins at about______.

A. 30 decibels
B. 70 decibels
C. 100 decibels
D. none of the above



A. 易复性疝
B. 滑动疝
E. 绞窄性疝


A. 动态观察有助于诊断早期原发性肝癌
B. 对判断原发性肝癌手术治疗效果有价值
C. 慢性活动性肝炎亦可有暂时性增高
D. 阴性结果可排除原发性肝癌诊断
E. 对估计原发性肝癌的愈后有价值


A. 胃癌
B. 重症营养不良
C. 风心病
D. 先心病
E. 冠心病


A. 与一般低血容量休克相似
B. 血压近乎正常或略低
C. 心输出量接近正常或略高
D. 外周总阻力降低
E. 中心静脉压接近正常或增高
