A. 高压氧舱
B. 高浓度间断吸氧
C. 低浓度持续吸氧
D. 高浓度持续吸氧
E. 低浓度间断吸氧
A. 急性左心衰
B. 心绞痛
C. 胸膜炎
D. 气胸
E. 肺部感染
Fill in the blanks with “await” or “wait”.1. They were _________ the birth of their first child.2. I have been ________ for her for an hour at the bus stop.3. We shall _______ hearing further from them.or We shall ______ to hear further from them.
Match the verbs with their explanations.
电缆的最高工作电压不得超过其额定电压的( ) 倍。
A. 1
B. 1.05
C. 1.1
D. 1.5