
Sammy's is a fast food chain that offers burgers, sandwiches, and shakes. It focuses its marketing efforts on all the experiences the customers will have on the way to obtaining their food order and eating it. Hence, Sammy's is focusing its marketing efforts on its ________ system.

A. horizontal marketing
B. cost versus benefit
C. consumption
D. marketing channel
E. value delivery



A. 燥湿化痰
B. 降逆止呕
C. 两者均是
D. 两者均非


A. 泻肺平喘
B. 利水消肿
C. 两者均是
D. 两者均非

Jack has shopped at VeggiesNmore. He was happy with the experience and thought that this could be an alternative to GreenFoods. However, he is also eager to try out other stores in the neighborhood. He is in the ________ stage of the marketing funnel as far as shopping at VeggiesNmore is concerned.

A. aware
B. open to trial
C. most often used
D. nonrejecter
E. regular user


A. 心下痞
B. 呕吐
C. 夜寐不安
D. 瘿瘤
E. 梅核气
