What cannot be considered as a benefit of vaccination?
A. More flu cases could be prevented.
B. More people are prevented from hospitalization.
C. More people are administered X-rays.
D. Less people got sick because of flu.
Which of the following is true according to Frieden?
As flu season last year was not severe, more people were prevented from hospitalization.
B. Flu season last year was relatively severe, so morepeople were hospitalized.
C. Flu season last year was relatively severe, so more flu cases were prevented.
D. Flu season last year was relatively severe, so more people get sick.
A. 20~40次/分
B. 40~60次/分
C. 60~80次/分
D. 80~100次/分
E. 100~120次/分
A. 意识状态的变化
B. 有无脱水、酸中毒
C. T、P、R、BP、瞳孔
D. 肢体活动情况
E. 大小便情况
A. 深浅反射均消失
B. 呼吸不规则
C. 全身肌肉松弛
D. 随意运动丧失
E. 对任何刺激无反应