
Are following statements true or false?i A cost which is controllable, is controllable by all members of staffii Success of a division as a whole is judged on traceable profit

A. Both are true
Both are false
C. i is true and ii is false
D. ii is true and i is false


In which of the following circumstances is the use of a participative budgeting process appropriate?(i) In centralized organisations(ii) In very large business(iii) When an organization’s different units act autonomously

All of (i), (ii) and (iii)
B. (ii) and (iii) only
C. (i) and (ii) only
D. (iii) only

中国最早大量创作田园诗的诗人是( )

A. 谢灵运
B. 陶渊明
C. 曹植
D. 孟浩然


A. 韵文
B. 小说
C. 戏剧
D. 散文诗

“无我之境,以物观物,故不知何者为我,何者为物。”这句话出自( )

A. 王国维《人间词话》
B. 《庄子》
C. 陶渊明《归去来兮辞》
D. 《道德经》
