
下列程序段执行后的输出结果是 。#include int main(){char a[2][4];strcpy(a,"you");strcpy(a[1],"me");a[0][3]='&';printf("%s\n",a);return 0;}


1. Private key algorithm vs. public key algorithm? (Com-pare their computation complexity, security, and usage.)

2. How can we combine the private key algorithm andthe public key algorithm?

3. Where do we use transport-mode IPSec and tunnel-mode IPSec, respectively? What parts o the packetsdo they encrypt?

4. In tunnel-mode IPSec, i authentication is done beoreencryption, what sequence o headers would we havein the packets? (The headers include AH (Authentica-tion Header), ESP (Encapsulation Security Payload),IP, TCP or UDP.)
