
企业的成本费用核算和收人总额核算两项中,凡其中一项不合格者,就要采用定额征收企业所得税。( )

A. 对
B. 错


劳务报酬收人适用20%的比例税率,其应纳税所得额超过5万元的部分,加征十成。( )

A. 对
B. 错

Seminar 1Q1:Which of the following is the most traditional method to resolve international business dispute?( )

A. Litigation
B. Arbitration
C. Mediation
D. Reconciliation

Q3: Which city is the First International Commercial Court of People’s Republic of China situated?( )

A. Beijing
B. Guangzhou
C. Shenzhen
D. Shanghai

Q4: Which of the following are not the features of mediation?(B)

A. Timely
B. Expensive
C. Lower risk
Dealt with neutral third party
