C语言中的标识符可分为 [1] 、 [2] 、和预定义标识符三类。
请指出以下C程序的错误所在#include stdio.hmain(); / * main function * /float r,s; /*/*r is radius*/,/*s is area of cicular*/*/r=5.0 ;s=3.14159*r*r;printf(“%f\n”,s)
Why did Richard start going to the gym?
A. He was too fat to fit into his clothes
B. His parents bought him membership in a gym
C. He wanted to build his muscles
Why did Penny want to lose weight?
A. She wanted to have a baby
B. She'd had two children and gained weight
C. Her children kept telling her she was fat
How did Marco's exercise plan make him feel?
A. Unhappy
B. good
C. very happy