某卫生中心由门诊楼、急诊楼、住院楼等组成,卫生中心的机电工程内容有建筑给水排水、建筑电气、通风空调、消防工程和电梯安装工程。变电所、水泵房和锅炉房建在住院楼的地下一层,工程的冷水机组、锅炉、成套变配电设备和电梯等大型设备均由业主采购。 业主通过招标方式确定A公司承担机电工程施工总承包,合同约定A公司承包工程的范围有建筑给水排水、建筑电气、通风空调工程安装,一般设备和材料由A公司采购。 业主将消防工程分包给8公司施工;地下变电所分包给电力工程公司;电梯安装由电梯制造厂的安装公司承担。为方便施工管理,业主授权A公司按合同文件与其他公司签订分包合同。 工程的冷水机组、锅炉、成套变配电设备和电梯等大型设备按施工计划到达施工现场,A公司组织各分包队伍进行开箱检查验收。合格后二次搬运到地下一层进行安装。 卫生中心的门诊楼能否单独竣工验收?竣工验收应具备哪些条件?
You work as the enterprise exchange administrator at TestKing.com. TestKing.com makes use of Microsoft Exchange Server messaging solution. The TestKing.com network consists of a single ActiveDirectory domain named testking.com. TestKing.com is configured to run in an Exchange 2010 environment. The employees of TestKing.comuse Microsoft Outlook 2003 to connect to their Mailboxes. You have received instructions from the CIO tochange the network to Exchange Server 2010. However, the CIO wants you to propose a solution for Mailboxes access that will keep the support and software cost to a minimum as well as ensuring access tothe public folders. What should you do?()
A. This can be accomplished using Personal Archive and forms-based authentication.
B. This can be accomplished by upgrading all client computers to Outlook 2010 and use Autodiscover.
C. This can be accomplished using Outlook Anywhere and changin the Outlook RPC encryption settings.
D. This can be accomplished using using POP3 and IMAP4 access.
A. 正确
B. 错误