下列轮机长的技术管理,正确的是()。 a.制定并实施航次预防检修计划,监督主管轮机员作好设备保养; b.检查轮机部各种记录簿的正确和完善性,分析和纠正不当之处; c.亲自分析测量结果、掌握磨耗规律; d.指导、督促主管轮机员认真检查和测量设备的磨耗情况。
A. a+c
B. a~d
C. b+c+d
D. b+c
A. 忌盐饮食
B. 卧床休息
C. 给予复方氨基酸和白蛋白
D. 合并应用留钾和排钾利尿剂
E. 反复多次抽放腹水
Your company has multiple DNS servers in the main office. You plan to install DNS on a member server in a branch office. You need to ensure that the DNS server in the branch office is able to query and DNS server in the main office, and you need to limit the number of DNS records that are transferred to the DNS server in the branch office. What should you do?()
A. Configure a secondary zone on the DNS server in the branch office.
B. Configure a stub zone on the DNS server in the branch office.
Configure a stub zone on the DNS server in the main office.
D. Configure a primary zone on the DNS server in the branch office.
A. 奥美拉唑
B. 枸橼酸铋钾
C. 法莫替丁
D. 哌仑西平
E. 氢氧化铝
A. 不典型
B. 轻型
C. 中型(典型)
D. 重型
E. 暴发型