A. 消防专用车
B. 石油储运专用车
C. 交警巡逻专用车
D. 法院执法专用车
Which statement concerning current is TRUE().
A. Current can be determined by measuring the direction and distance between simultaneous EP and DR positions
B. The drift of the current should be averaged out on a one hour basis
C. After the current is determined,it should not be used for further plotting because it is an unknown variable
D. The distance between a simultaneous DR position and fix is equal to the drift of the current
某省烟草专卖局驻A卷烟生产企业内部专卖管理监督办公室在日常监管中采集到如下数据和信息: (一)2008年与B复烤企业签订复烤烟叶加工合同5万担,实际加工5.5万担; (二)2008年12月入库卷烟纸100吨,到货确认卷烟纸102吨; (三)2008年卷烟生产计划量80万件,当年码段使用量80.1万件,当年入库卷烟81万件; (四)2008年卷烟出库82万件,销售出库81.9万件,出库扫码81万件,自用烟领用0.1万件; (五)2008年申请报废卷烟纸5吨,卷烟机械10台套,已取得上级报复文件,并在专卖部门监督下销毁了2吨卷烟纸和4台卷烟机械。 对报废的专卖品监管的主要内容是什么?对尚未销毁的卷烟纸和卷烟机械应怎样开展监管?