

A. 毛果芸香碱
B. 烟碱
C. 乙酰胆碱
D. 氯贝胆碱
E. 新斯的明


You issue the following command on the RMAN prompt. REPORT NEED BACKUP DAYS 5; Which statement is true about executing this command?()

A. It will display a list of files that need incremental backup
B. It will display a list of files that need backup after five days
C. It will display a list of files that were backed up in the last five days
D. It will display a list of files that have not been backed up in the last five days
E. It will apply the current retention policy to determine the files that need to be backed u

While adding the forced varyon volume group option, it is decided to create a disk heartbeat Network over the disk paths. Which HACMP function is used to create disk heartbeat devices?()

A. The Disk hearbeat facility is initialized when creating enhanced concurrent mode volume groups through HACM
B. HACMP does not create the disk heartbeat area directly; RSCT facility creates the area used for the disk heartbeat when the device is started by Group Services.
C. The ’Chdev -v-C " command creates an enhanced Volume Group from an ordinarilyVolume Group. This creates the heartbeat region on the vfirst disk in the chain.
D. The disk heartbeat area on the disk is created and initialized when the device is created inHACMP "Extended Configuration -> Extended Topology -> Disk heartbeat facility" smit path.


A. 精神因素
B. 垂体功能低下
C. 下丘脑病变
D. 卵巢发育不全
E. 甲状腺功能减退


A. 牙龈卟啉单胞菌(porphyromonas gingivalis,Pg)
B. 福塞类杆菌(bacteroides forsythus,Bf)
C. 伴放线聚集杆菌(aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans,Aa)
D. 核梭杆菌(fusobacterium nucleatum,Fn)
E. 牙密螺旋体(treponema denticola,Td)
