在VFP中使用Microsoft Excel文件中的数据有两种方法:一是执行"文件"菜单中的"导入"菜单命令(采用这种方式将会创建一个新表);二是利用命令()将.XLS文件中的数据追加到当前工作区的表中。
A. 对
B. 错
三、根据下面的文字材料,回答问题。2008年1月份,居民消费价格总水平同比上涨7.1%。其中,城市上涨6.8%,农村上涨7.7%;食品价格上涨18.2%,非食品价格上涨1.5%;消费品价格上涨8.5%,服务项目价格上涨2.6%。从月份比看,本月居民消费价格总水平比上月(即2007年12月)上涨1.2%。从八大类别看,1月份,食品类价格同比上涨18.2%。烟酒及用品类价格同比上涨2.1%。衣着类价格同比下降1.9%。家庭设备用品及维修服务价格同比上涨2.1%。医疗保健及个人用品类价格同比上涨3.2%。交通和通信类价格同比下降1.1%。娱乐教育文化用品及服务类价格同比下降0.3%。居住类价格同比上涨6.1%。 城市与农村的消费价格比是:()
A. 4/3
B. 3/2
C. 3/1
D. 2/1
In Grade Eight I took physics. In one test I get 1.()only 36 percent of the answer correct. I failed the 2._()next one, either. I started to think that maybe I was 3.()not good at it. However, I was not lucky enough to 4.()have a teacher which didn’t take my bad grades as a 5.()judgment of my abilities,but simply like an indication 6.()how I should study harder.He pulled me aside and told 7.()me that he knew I could do better.He permitted to retake 8.()the test,and I was pulled my grade to an A.This is what 9.()I discovered:just because a subject is difficulty to learn, 10.()it doesn’t mean you are not good at it. 第(9)空应选择()