
低压电动机在正常运行、正常起动或自起动时,主回路低压断路器的脱扣器不应误动作。请问电动机保护型低压断路器时瞬动过电流脱扣器的整定电流应取( )。

A. 电动机起动电流的1~1.5倍
B. 电动机额定电流的7.2倍
C. 电动机起动电流的2~2.5倍
D. 电动机额定电流的5.8倍


接触器与短路保护电器H型协调配合为:要求起动器和接触器在短路条件下不应对人身和设备造成危害,且应能继续使用,但允许有容易分开的触头熔焊。一台额定电流为 63A的CJ20接触器选用NT系列熔断器作短路保护电器,为满足Ⅱ型协调配合要求,NT系列熔断器额定电流选择下列数据中最适合的是( )。

A. 80A
B. 160A
C. 250A
D. 50A

At the turn of the century it is estimated that a student living alone requires on average A$12 000 (Australian dollars)in living expenses for each year of study in Australia. Of course, these costs increase with time.Upon arrival, students should have funds in excess of the average to cover the cost of text books and establishment expenses such as rental payment and basic furniture items. The amount spent on food, recreation, and entertainment expenses will vary according to requirements, budget, and location.Those who are prepared to live in shared accommodation, which may not be suitable for all, might manage on AS 10 000 per year. It is preferable for overseas students whose English is in need of practice to take advantage of living in situations with native speakers whenever possible. However, sharing with friends who are easy to communicate with is probably more sensible at first.The above figures do not include the cost of large non-essential items such as household equipment or a car. Owning and maintaining a motor vehicle is expensive in Australia. Insurance is compulsory and costly, and parking both on and off campus can be a problem requiring additional expense. It is not advisable for a student to own a car unless it is absolutely necessary. A reasonable second hand car can cost more than A$4 000.Educational institutions are almost always serviced by reliable public transport. The university and college campuses within the major cities are well served by public buses. In addition, the larger cities have extensive train systems. For example, in Sydney, most college and university campuses are only 10 or 20 minutes from a rail station. Sharing accommodation is()

A. 10 000 per year cheaper than living alone
B. more expensive than living alone
C. not always suitable for students
D. suitable for most students

切割烟尘少,切断面无杂质,可用来切割不锈钢的切割方法是( )。

A. 氧一乙炔切割
B. 液化石油气切割
C. 氧熔剂切割
D. 氢氧源切割

税收的本质是一种( )。

A. 收入工具
B. 分配手段
C. 调节手段
D. 分配关系
