

A. 国际汇款快速服务的营销对象是我行的国际汇款客户,重点是经常办理代理西联汇款、银邮汇款的客户
B. 网点向客户发放外汇卡时,对有汇款需求的客户,应建议客户预留持卡人本人和常用收款人的信息,方便日后办理国际汇款业务
C. 国际汇款快速服务开通前发放的外汇卡,网点柜员应在客户临柜办理国际汇款业务时,为客户办理预留国际汇款快速服务的相关信息
D. 我行任一国际汇款网点均可向客户提供国际汇款快速服务,以及办理预留、变更、查询、撤消持卡人信息及常用收款人信息


You are a professional level SQL Sever 2008 Database Administrator in an international corporation named Wiikigo. You are experienced in managing databases in an enterprise-level organization, optimizing and sustaining the database life cycle. In the company, your job is to implement solutions on security, troubleshooting, deployment and optimization. SQL Server 2008 servers on a single site are managed by you. Two SQL Server 2008 instances are contained by the site. One is an Enterprise Edition server, and it is on a server that has a redundant array of ndependent disks (RAID) 10 disk system. The other is a Standard Edition server, and it is on a server that has a RAID 5 disk system. A single application is hosted by each instance. A high-availability solution should be recommended for the site to satisfy the business requirements listed below. First, the solution can be implemented on the current systems. Secondly, the database is available with least downtime. Thirdly, Data loss should be cut to the least. Fourthly, the existing system should be with least impact. Which solutions should be utilized to finish the task?()

A. To finish the task, Log shipping should be utilized.
B. To finish the task, Failover clustering should be utilized.
C. To finish the task, Replication should be utilized.
D. To finish the task, Database snapshot should be utilized.


A. 人民警察询问证人,应当通知其到公安机关提供证言
B. 人民警察询问聋哑的被侵害人不需翻译,由其进行文字说明
C. 人民警察询问被侵害人的笔录有差错的,应当重新询问
D. 人民警察在公安机关以外询问被侵害人或者其他证人,应当出示工作证件


A. 主轴高速低速交换齿轮齿部损坏
B. 主轴伺服系统故障
C. 拉刀机构发生故障
D. 主轴轴承破损

