A. 有无对比
B. 定性分析与定量分析相结合
C. 收益与风险权衡
D. 动态分析与静态分析相结合
⑥We are considering providing each of our sales representatives with an eight-digit electronic calculator. Last week I saw a demonstration of your Model GH Wizard at the Boise Business Show, and I think it would fill our needs very nicely. I understand that the Wizard retails for$33.95. Is there a trade discount for companies that buy in fairly large quantities? ⑦Our initial order would be for about 80 units and reorders in perhaps lots of 20. 文中⑥段画线部分翻译正确的是()。
A. 我们公司目前正在考虑为所有的业务代表每人准备一台八个字的电子计算器。
B. 我们公司目前正在为所有的业务代表每人买一台八位的电子计算器。
C. 我们公司目前正在考虑为所有的业务代表每人准备一台八位数的电子计算器。
A. 内比都
B. 仰光
C. 曼德勒
D. 勃生