Which four statements about Ethernet virtual circuit (EVC) infrastructure are true? ()
A. EVC infrastructure is a Layer 3 platform-independent routing architecture that supports IP overEthernet services
B. Ethernet flow point (EFP) is configured on the main interface
C. Feature commands like MQC-based QoS policies can be specified
D. EVC infrastructure is a Layer 2 platform-independent bridging architecture that supports Ethernetservices
Each Ethernet flow point (EFP) matches a predefined VLAN tag-based criteria
F. Ethernet flow point (EFP) is configured on the VLAN interface
A. 王某诉赵某债务纠纷一案,起诉时赵某不知去向
B. 李某诉王某授权纠纷一案,在按普通程序审理过程中发现该案事实清楚,关系明确,争议不大,法院认为可以适用简易程序,李某也同意用简易程序审理,但王某不同意
C. 刘某诉郭某归还所欠房租款400元,有欠条为据
D. 陈某诉罗某合同纠纷一案已适用简易程序审理终结,现被发回重审
A. 正确
B. 错误
A. 160kN
B. 180kN
C. 200kN
D. 260kN
A. 所有母线;
B. 主变各侧;
C. 各个可能来电侧的部分;
D. 所有线路;