

A. 暗适应时间延长
B. 暗光下视力减退
C. 结膜干燥、毕脱班
D. 眼结膜充血
E. 角膜溃疡



You have two hosts that run VMware ESX. You need to recommend a management solution for the virtual machines (VMs) on the VMware hosts. The solution must support the ability to move the VMs from one VMware host to the other VMware host by using VMware vMotion technology. What should implement on the network?()

A. a failover cluster between the VMs
B. Second-Level Address Translation (SLAT)
C. Windows System Resource Manager (WSRM)
D. quick migration
E. a Fibre Channel Storage Area Network (SAN)
F. an iSCSI Storage Area Network (SAN)
G. Virtual Machine Chimney
H. Cluster Shared Volumes (CSV)
I. a failover cluster for the Hyper-V hosts
J. virtual machine queue (VMQ)
K. Network Load Balancing (NLB) for the Hyper-V hosts
L. Microsoft System Center Operations Manager with Performance and Resource Optimization (PRO)
Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 R2
Network Attached Storage (NAS)
O. pass-through disks
P. Network Load Balancing (NLB) for the VM


A. 感知客现事物的个别属性,如大小、长短、远近时产生变形
B. 感觉周围的人在监视自己
C. 感觉周围事物像“水中月”、“镜中花”
D. 感觉自己的面孔或体形改变了形状


A. 从唯心主义者到唯物主义者
B. 从有神论者到无神论者
C. 从民主主义到共产主义者
D. 从哲学家到政治学家
E. 从自然科学家到社会科学家
