You have a two-node Hyper-V failover cluster that uses SAN storage. You are designing storage for a new virtualization environment by using Windows Server 2008 R2. You plan to deploy five virtual machines (VMs) per logical unit number (LUN). You need to be able to perform a live migration of a single VM while the other VMs continue to run on the host server. What should you do?()
A. Use Cluster Shared Volumes (CSVs)
B. Use fixed disks on the SAN storage
C. Boot the virtual machines from iSCSI LUNs
D. Use dynamically expanding disks on an iSCSI LUN
A. 建设单位技术负责人
B. 监理工程师
C. 施工单位质检员
D. 监督工程师
A. 甲将仿真玩具手枪一支装在裤兜里埋伏在僻静处欲抢财物,恰巧乙边打电话边走了过来,甲见有机可乘迅速从暗处冲出抢了乙的手机就跑。甲的行为构成抢夺罪
B. 甲见一老农紧抱一包袱不放便欲抢走,甲用力拉扯包袱时老农站立不稳栽倒在地跌成轻伤。甲的行为构成抢夺罪
C. 某日,甲抢走乙笔记本电脑一台,乙在后面猛追,甲见无法摆脱,其自恃身强力壮,遂将乙打倒,致乙重伤。甲的行为构成抢夺罪
D. 甲在火车站候车室见乙身旁的座位上有一精致的小包便上前拿了就跑,但实际上包是另一侧丙的,其当时正在打盹,后经人提醒才发现包不见了。甲的行为构成抢夺罪
A. 正确
B. 错误