A. 至学校就业网下载填写毕业生解除就业协议申请表,并到原、新单位签署意见并盖章
B. 需到所在学院由党总支副书记签署意见并加盖学院公章
C. 手续完备后,逢周三将原一式四份协议书和毕业生解除就业协议申请表交至就业办并当天领取新的就业协议书
D. 手续完备后,逢周三将原一式四份协议书和毕业生解除就业协议申请表交至就业办,并于下周三领取新的就业协议书
A. 目的性游戏
B. 本体性游戏
C. 手段性游戏
D. 自选游戏
A. 花杆
B. 木桩
C. 测钎
D. 水准尺
Examine the commands executed to monitor database operations: $> conn sys oracle/oracle@prod as sysdba SQL > VAR eid NUMBER SQL > EXEC: eid := DBMS_SQL_MONITOR.BEGIN_OPERATION (‘batch_job’ , FORCED_TRACKING => ‘Y’); Which two statements are true?()
A. Database operations will be monitored only when they consume a significant amount of resource.
B. Database operations for all sessions will be monitored.
C. Database operations will be monitored only if the STATISTICS_LEVEL parameter is set to TYPICAL and CONTROL_MANAGEMENT_PACK_ACCESS is set DIAGNISTIC + tuning.
D. Only DML and DDL statements will be monitored for the session.
E. All subsequent statements in the session will be treated as one database operation and will be monitored.
A. 节气门
B. 燃烧室
C. 排气歧管
D. 消音器