男性,46岁,体重75kg,家中失火烧伤颈背部及双臀部,背部烧伤深达肌肉,创面焦黄,部分炭化,颈、臀部创面红白相间,感觉迟钝,可见粟粒般红色小点。 该患者第一个24小时输液总量应是
A. 4 675ml
B. 4 450ml
C. 3 975ml
D. 4 580ml
E. 4 362ml
What does the woman mean
A. She may go to see a film with the man.
B. She won’t go to see a film because she is busy.
C. She won’t go to see a film because it will snow.
下列关于行政处罚和行政强制的说法正确的是: (1)行政处罚适用于有违法失职行为的国家公务员。(2)罚款和没收财产都是对财产的强制执行方式。(3)行政处罚和行政处分都是行政机关对违法者实施的惩戒,两者并无实质上的区别。(4)某税务局对买卖股票逃避征税的本局工作人员甲,作出了罚款的决定,该罚款决定是一种行政处分。(5)地方性法规可以设定吊销个体营业执照的行政处罚。(6)行政强制就是行政强制执行措施。(7)行政强制是对行政相对人的一种制裁措施。(8)行政强制执行措施,必须由行政机关申请人民法院执行。(9)公安机关把本人有危险或者对他人的安全有威胁的醉酒人约束到酒醒的行为,属于直接强制执行。(10)代履行不能适用于与人身相关的义务,但直接强制执行却可以适用于人身相关的义务。
A. (1)(2)(5)(6)
B. (1)(5)(6)(8)
C. (1)(6)(7)(8)
D. (5)(10)
Finishing teacher’s evaluations need maturity and objectivity. Every semester we have the opportunity to evaluate our instructors. We are supposed to judge their lectures, interest in students’’ problems, methods of assigning work, and general ability to conduct a class. Then, when the instructor has left the room, we must write our evaluations on the forms provided. We are not sup-posed to exchange view or discuss our responses. After everyone has completed the forms, one student collects and tallies the responses and then puts them in an envelope and makes them sealed. It is very difficult to evaluate another person’s performance objectively. For example, Senta recently wrote irresponsible remarks about her instructor because she was falling to pass the course. Her friend Sam wrote a marvelous description of the same instructor because he received an A in the course. Both Senta and Sam were not fairly evaluating the instructor. They were affected by the grades they were earning and were biased in their judgments. Another irresponsible form of evaluation occurred when James rated his instructor excellent be- cause the instructor is "easy". He gives few tests and only assigns one paper during the entire term. His lectures are often full of jokes and endless stories. On the other hand, James rated Pro fessor Jones poor because he assigns text work dally, gives pretest and post test reviews, and packs his lectures with a lot of information. Irresponsible evaluations consist of __________.
A. biased answers
B. fairly written answers
C. information based on teacher’s performance
D. well thought out judgments
请根据下面短文回答: Mary is a beautiful girl. She studied in a college in London a year ago. When she left London, she returned to the town where she was born. And she found work in a middle school. She teaches her students French there. She sings and dances well and she likes her work. So she makes friends soon and most people in the town know her. She often takes part in all kinds of meetings and parties and she always sings or dances for the people. She spends a lot of time on it. Sometimes she goes to bed late and can’t get up on time. Of course she’s often late to go to work. Mr. Read, the headmaster(校长), is strict(严格)with everybody. He always stands by the school gate when the first bell rings. Mary has to tell him that her watch is slow. She got home late last night, and this morning she got up late again. She hurried to school without breakfast, but Mr. Read was waiting for her at the gate. "I’m sorry, Mr. Read."said Mary, "My watch…" "Your watch is slow again, isn’t it" the old man said angrily, "I have to say: You’d better change your watch, or I’ll change you.\ Mary is______now.
A. a college student
B. a teacher
C. a singer