
What are the basic concepts underlying argumentation?

A. argument
B. rebutting argument
C. undercutting argument
D. counterargument
E. proponent and audience


"Argument" can be understood as ().

A. a set of assumptions
B. the support
C. the premises

Text A can be divided into three parts with the paragraph number(s) of each part provided as follows.Match each part with the right main idea.

若 函数在某点处不可导,则:

A. 函数在某点处极限存在。
B. 函数在该点处微分不存在。
C. 函数在某点处连续。
D. 函数在某点处不连续。


A. Create a new robot with the default HandlingPRO config
B. Create a new robot with the last used HandlingPRO config
Create a new robot from a file backup
D. Create an exact copy of an exisiting robot
