
6 月 6 日,丙向甲借用劳力士手表,约定 6 月 10 日归还。6 月 7 日,甲向乙借款 5万元,并以该劳力士手表出质担保。当日双方在书面质押合同中约定,若甲届时不能清偿债务,则手表归乙所有;并约定由乙直接要求丙返还手表。根据物权法律制度的规定,下列表述中,正确的有( )。

A. 乙的质权设立于 6 月 7 日
B. 乙的质权设立于 6 月 10 日
C. 若甲届时不能清偿对乙债务,乙依约直接取得手表所有权
D. 若甲届时不能清偿对乙债务,乙有权就手表变价,并以变价所得优先受偿


当抵押权与其他物权并存时,下列说法正确的有( )。

A. 同一财产上抵押权与质权并存时,质权人优先于抵押权人受偿
B. 同一财产上抵押权与质权并存时,按照登记、交付时间先后顺序确定清偿顺序
C. 同一财产抵押权与留置权并存时,抵押权人优先于留置权人受偿
D. 同一财产抵押权与留置权并存时,留置权人优先于抵押权人受偿

Which statement about temperate bacteriophage is correct ?

A. They will result in lysis of bacterial cells;
B. It carries DNA and RNA in its head;
C. Its DNA can also be integrated intohuman genome;
D. It can confer new phenotype to the infected bacterium.

Which statement about bacteriophage is correct ?

A. It is prokaryotic microbe;
B. It is eukaryotic microbe;
C. It is acellular microbe;
D. It can grow on the solid medium.

Which statement about lytic bacteriophage is correct ?

A. It carries DNA and RNA in its head;
B. It is eukaryotic microbe;
C. Its replication will result in lysis of bacterial cells;
D. Its genome can be integrated into bacterial chromosome.
