
A.He believes Martin was the wrong person.B.He wants to know who is telling the truth.

A. He believes Martin was the wrong person.
B. He wants to know who is telling the truth.
C. He finds the decision unbelievable.
D. He thought there wouldn't be any awards.



A. 江某将房屋租赁给胡某,2004年1月10日胡某应支付租金2000元,胡某拒绝支付,江某于2006年1月9日向法院提起诉讼,要求胡某支付租金,法院应支持江某的诉讼请求
B. 2004年3月5日曾某在火车站小件寄存处寄存了行李,寄存处将曾某的行李弄丢,曾某当日即要求火车站赔偿,火车站工作人员说要汇报给领导,有结果后电话通知曾某,2004年3月10日火车站工作人员打电话给曾某,告知曾某火车站可以双倍退还寄存费,但是不能按照曾某的要求赔偿行李的损失,曾某表示不能接受这个处理结果。曾某后来忙于工作,2005年3月6日才想到该事,于次日提起诉讼要求火车站赔偿行李损失,于某超过了诉讼时效期间
C. 中国的甲公司与日本的乙公司签订了货物销售合同,按照合同约定,乙公司应于2002年4月30日向甲公司支付货款,乙公司到期未支付货款,甲公司内部由于高层人事变动,一直未理会此事,2004年6月10日甲公司向法院提起诉讼,要求乙公司支付货款及违约金,法院不应支持甲公司的诉讼请求
D. 王某外出打工,由于突降暴雨,家中房屋几乎倒塌,2003年8月1日王某的邻居陈某花了1000元钱雇人替王某修好房屋,同村人都认为陈某花的钱又少,工人修理的又好,认为陈某真是个热心肠,2003年8月2日陈某打电话告知王某,要求王某偿还自己的1000元,王某认为陈某花费太多,并且自己并未要求陈某替自己修理,当即拒绝支付修理费,2004年12月10日陈某向法院提起诉讼,要求王某偿还修理费,法院应支持陈某的诉讼请求


A. 正确
B. 错误


Part A
Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)
It is the staff of dreams and nightmares. Where Tony Blair's attempts to make Britain love the euro have fallen on deaf ears, its incarnation as notes and coins will succeed. These will be used not just in the euro area but in Britain. As the British become accustomed to the euro as a cash currency, they will warm to it—paving the way for a yes note in a referendum.
The idea of euro creep appeals to both sides of the euro argument. According to the pros, as Britons become familiar with the euro, membership will start to look inevitable, so those in favor are bound to win. According to the antis, as Britons become familiar with the euro, membership will start to look inevitable, so those opposed must mobilize for the fight.
Dream or nightmare, euro creep envisages the single currency worming its way first into the British economy and then into the affections of voters. British tourists will come back from their European holidays laden with euros, which they will spend not just at airports but in high street shops. So, too, will foreign visitors. As the euro becomes a parallel currency, those who make up the current two-to-one majority will change their minds. From there, it will be a short step to decide to dispense with the pound.
Nell Kinnock, a European commissioner and former leader of the Labor Party, predicts that the euro will soon become Britain's second currency. Hans Eichel, the German finance minister, also says that it will become a parallel currency in countries like Switzerland and Britain. Peter Hain, the European minister who is acting as a cheerleader for membership, says the euro will become "a practical day-to-day reality and that will enable people to make a sensible decision about it". As many as a third of Britain's biggest retailers, such as Marks and Spencer, have said they will take euros in some of their shops. BP has also announced that it will accept euros at some of its garages.
But there is less to this than meet the eyes. British tourists can now withdraw money from cashpoint from European holiday destinations, so they are less likely than in the past to end up with excess foreign money. Even if they do, they generally get rid of it at the end of their holidays, says David Southwell, a spokesman for the British Retail Consortium(BRC).
The writer seems ______.

A. to be over-enthusiastic about the success of the euro.
B. to launch a vigorous campaign against the euro creep.
C. to take a matter-of-fact attitude towards the issue.
D. to hold a hostile attitude towards euro expansions.
