



A. 在确认计量结果14天内,发包人应向承包人支付工程款(进度款)
B. 按约定时间发包人应扣回的预付款,与工程款(进度款)同期结算
C. 发包人超过约定的支付时间不支付工程款,承包人可向发包人发出要求付款的通知,发包人收到承包人通知后仍不能按要求付款,可与承包人协商签订延期付款协议,经承包人同意后可延期支付
D. 发包人不按合同约定支付工程款,双方又未达成延期付款协议,导致施工无法进行,应由承包人承担违约责任

如果大家都愿意冒险,资本市场线斜率就大,风险溢价就大;如果大家都不愿意冒险,资本市场线斜率就小,风险附加率就较小。 ()

A. 正确
B. 错误

听力原文: The University of California at Davis has government experiments with chemicals to get a bigger crop each year. But they haven't paid enough attention to necessary safety measures. In 1964 or 1965, an airplane was spraying chemicals over the fields. Flying low, the wheels of the plane were caught on the fence wire. The pilot got out, dusted himself off, and drank some water from a nearby pond. Then he died. The nurses and doctors got terribly sick too because of the chemicals he had on his body. A little girl was playing around a sprayer. She stuck her tongue on it and she died immediately.
These chemicals affect the farm worker through the lungs. He breathes them in. Nobody looks into the cause at all. They just was the he is sick.
Why did the plane fall to the ground?

A. It was flying low.
B. Its wheels were caught on a tree.
C. Because the chemicals caught fire easily.

