
下列状态属于正常使用极限状态的是【 】。

A. 侧面角焊缝端部出现裂缝
B. 柱子吊装过程出现轻微弯曲现象
C. 结构在风荷载作用下摆动,使人感觉不适
D. 室内梁弯曲导致门窗无法开启


下列状态属于承载能力极限状态的是【 】。

A. 侧面角焊缝端部出现裂缝
B. 柱子吊装过程出现轻微弯曲现象
C. 烟囱在风荷载作用下整体倾翻
D. 楼板产生振动

下列状态属于承载能力极限状态的是【 】。

A. 雨棚在风荷载作用下整体倾翻
B. 构件在吊装过程中产生弯曲变形
C. 吊车梁在某次轻微操作时断裂
D. 柱子产生过大弯曲变形,退出工作


A. 永久荷载分项系数一般情况下取1.3,永久荷载对结构有利时取1.0
B. 可变荷载分项系数一般情况下取1.5
C. 结构重要性系数不大于1.0
D. 结构抗力分项系数不大于1.0

Which of the following statements about oligopolies is not correct?

An oligopolistic market has only a few sellers.
B. The actions of any one seller can have a large impact on the profits of all other sellers.
C. Oligopolistic firms are interdependent in a way that competitive firms are not.
D. Unlike monopolies and monopolistically competitive markets, oligopolies prices do not exceed their marginal costs.
