

A. 出售
B. 分包
C. 开脱责任合同
D. 以上都是



A. “投资性房地产———公允价值变动”
B. “公允价值变动损益”
C. “营业外收入”
D. “利润分配———未分配利润”


A. 资源税
B. 所得税
C. 城市维护建设税
D. 教育费附加

In what order will the cyclists leave the starting line?

A. In any order they wish.
B. In groups at timed intervals.
C. Bicycle club members first, then others.
D. Racers first, then average cyclists.

听力原文: Closing arguments continue today in the federal trial against the tobacco industry. The Justice Department accuses the industry of conspiring to hide the health dangers of smoking.
The arguments mark the end of what's been a nine-month-long civil trial. The government bas tried to persuade a federal judge that cigarette companies engaged in a fifty-year pattern of conspiracy and fraud designed to downplay the risk of using their products. Government lawyers asked the judge to force the industry to change its marketing practices, and to fund a ten-billion-dollar anti-smoking program. The industry says those measures are unnecessary. Cigarette companies say they've already reformed the way they do business. One company lawyer conceded the industry in the past was, in his words "not lily-white". But he said there never was a conspiracy and there's no proof the industry is misleading the public now.
What's the Justice Department accuses the industry?

A. They produce dangerous products.
B. They didn't fund a ten-billion-dollar anti-smoking program.
C. The industry conspires to hide the health dangers of smoking.
D. They didn't change its marketing practices.
