
Which of the following is NOT a synonym of "underscore"in "underscoring the complexities of the relationship"?

A. underline
B. underestimate
C. highlight
D. emphasize


Alifestyle involves a lot of sitting and not much physical activity.

A. floppy
B. fixed
C. sedentary
D. hopless

Sauces made with cream are very [=they are very likely to make people fat].

A. fatting
B. fattening
C. flattering
D. fatigue

Which of the following can BEST replace "affect" in "How Exercises Might Affect Our Food Choices"?

A. influence
B. effect
C. impress
D. improve

What does "susceptibility" mean in "eating behavior traits linked to the susceptibility to overconsume"?

A. a general tendency in the way a situation is changing
B. how easily someone or something is affected by something
C. the quality of being impressionable or impressible
D. how suspicious someone is in an investigation
