

A. 个案工作
B. 团体治疗
C. 家庭治疗
D. 心理咨询


When Bill Stokoe went to Gallaudet to teach English .... American Sign Language (ASL) was thought to be no more than a form. of pidgin English. But Stokoe believed the "hand talk" his students used looked richer. He wondered: Might deaf people actually have a genuine language? And could that language be unlike any other on Earth?
When Stokoe analyzed his students' signing, he found it was like spoken languages, which combine bits of sound -- each meaningless by itself -- into meaningful words. Signers, following similar rules, combine individually meaningless hand and body movements into words. They choose from a palette of hand shapes... They also choose where to make a sign... (and) how to orient the hand and arm... A common underlying structure of both spoken and signed languages is thus at the level of the smallest units that are linked to form. words.
The title of the passage suggests that American Sign Language

A. imitates spoken English.
B. cannot be spoken.
C. requires special intelligence.
D. is cognitively complex.


A. 潜能
B. 解决问题的能力
C. 分析问题的能力
D. 自信心


A. 正式书面协议比较费时,费力
B. 社工和案主签署了这份协议,意味着一种承诺,签名可以佐证大家都同意这样做
C. 它简洁明快,不需要花太多的时间在文字的琢磨上,有利于提高效率
D. 如若真的写成文字,签下协议,到时又可能产生一些法律问题


A. 个人
B. 整体
C. 环境
D. 社会
