
听力原文:M: Susan, I feel so happy now. I've just got the news that I've won the scholarship for the next school year.
W: You certainly deserve it.
Q: What does the woman mean?

A. It is quite unexpected.
B. She has already got the news.
C. She has confidence in the man.
D. It is not exciting to learn about it.


海关发票指按某些国家的规定,由出口方按照出口国海关规定的一种特定的格式和内容缮制的发票,进口商据此单据办理货物进口报关、纳税等手续。 ()

A. 正确
B. 错误

如汇票上加注“按某号信用证开立”、“按某合同装运货物”,则构成支付的附加条件,该汇票无效。 ()

A. 正确
B. 错误

采用D/PT/R方式时,若汇票到期后进口人不能付款,一切风险与银行无关。 ()

A. 正确
B. 错误

海关的电子报关系统对报关单证预审后,凡符合海关规定的,海关审单中心就自动发出海关放行指令或签发海关“出口查验/放行通知书”。 ()

A. 正确
B. 错误
