
The Equimarginal Principle in Pollution Control is used.

A. If there is one source of a pollutant with the same marginal abatement cost.
B. if it is desired to increase aggrigate emissions at the lest possible cost.
C. Both answers are wrong.
D. Both answers are correct.


In Centralised Policy, A government agency determines what is to be done:

A. Must have knowledge of individual interactions.
B. Must have knowledge of marginal abatement costs.
C. Must have knowledge of marginal damage functions.
D. B and C are correct

A policy is cost-effective if it

A. achieves a given amount of environmental improvement at the least possible cost.
B. achieves a given amount of environmental improvement at the highest possible cost.
C. is always efficient.
D. none of the answers are correct.


A. is a matter of morality (道德), not science.
B. A perception of unfairness may cause a policy to lose public support.
C. There is concern that racial minorities and poor people are exposed to more damages from pollution.
D. No answer is correct.
E. All answers are correct.

Incentives for Technology:

A. New inventions are public goods.
B. Inconsistent policies encourage new technology.
C. Technological change shifts the marginal abatement cost function upward.
D. All answers are correct.
