What is the difference in meaning between the two words admit and acknowledge?admit 和 acknowledge 这两个词_________________?
Their company has to accept complete responsibility as well as the consequences of the accident.他们公司须对___________________。
Write down the Chinese meaning of the underlined words.1). YOUR particular relationships with your parents, not God or genes, determines youracademicperformance.2). His main goal was to show me that, if I could make myself concentrate on thetedioustasks, I could do them.3). He found a man who made a huge effort to civilize the backward,raw material(me) with which he started when I was 13.4). He expressed this in manyaffectionateletters.5). Although exams gave littleopportunityfor that, I could sort of see the point.
Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1). Many parents are obsessed by their children's marks at school.2). Money can be used as a substitute for love and emotional engagement for children of divorcees or of rich parents.3). My father thought there was a difference between my failing one exam and whether I would be a success or failure in life.
光电管的工作原理是基于( )效应。
A. 外光电
B. 内光电
C. 光生电动势
D. 光热效应