A. 将用物备齐,按铺床顺序放置
B. 避免多余无效动作,减少走动次数
C. 身体原理床边
D. 两腿前后或左右分开稍屈膝
E. 铺床时身体保持一定的弯度
A. 介词短语
B. 分词短语
C. 冠词
D. 副词
以下句子中有几个谓语动词?From the early days of broadband, advocates for consumers and web-based companies worried that the cable and phone companies selling broadband connections had the power and incentive (动机)to favor affiliated websites over their rivals’.
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
以下句子中有几个谓语动词?That's why there has been such a strong demand for rules that would prevent broadband providers from picking winners and losers online, preserving the freedom and innovation that have been the lifeblood of the internet.
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4