Some security measures have been taken after the deadly attack on the US Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi EXCEPT that.
A. 151 new diplomatic security positions have been approved.
B. 1,000 additional marines for embassy security have been approved.
C. more than 500 marines and soldiers, part of a quick reaction force, have been approved.
D. a series of American drone attack in Yemen have been approved.
What suggestion has NOT been made by the Defense Department to American citizens traveling oversea?
A. To maintain a high level of vigilance in public.
B. To keep away from local events, like demonstrations.
C. To go to the US embassy or neareast US consulate for help.
D. To make full use of smart traveler enrollment for the latest security updates.
A. 营业外收入
B. 所得税费用
C. 公允价值变动损益
D. 营业税金及附加
在登坡技术中,滑雪板与滚落线平行的是什么登坡技术?( )
A. 横登坡技术
B. 斜登坡技术
C. 交替登坡技术
D. 八字登坡技术
A. 对
B. 错