
A3/A4 题型 孕妇,27岁,第1胎,孕期检查情况正常。因临产入院待产。现临产4小时。检查:血压正常,宫缩持续30秒,间歇4~5分钟,胎心140次/分;肛查宫口开大2cm,未破膜,头先露在坐骨棘水平。此时护理措施,不正确的为

A. 给予半流质饮食
B. 创造温馨待产环境
C. 劝导产妇绝对卧床休息
D. 指导产妇排尿1次/4小时
E. 在宫缩间歇时听胎心1次/0.5~1小时


A3/A4 题型 孕妇,27岁,第1胎,孕期检查情况正常。因临产入院待产。现临产4小时。检查:血压正常,宫缩持续30秒,间歇4~5分钟,胎心140次/分;肛查宫口开大2cm,未破膜,头先露在坐骨棘水平。临产12小时后,产妇进入第二产程,检查:宫缩持续45秒,间歇1分钟。听取胎心应每隔

A. 1次/10分钟
B. 1次/15分钟
C. 1次/20分钟
D. 1次/25分钟
E. 1次/30分钟

Which of the following people wrote Jane Eyre?

A. Emily Bronte.
B. Anne Bronte.
Charlotte Bronte.
D. Patrick Bronte.

Which of the following words best describes the scenes Jane saw in Bewick's History of British Birds?

A. Beautiful.
B. Sublime.
C. Serene.
D. Melancholy.

Which of the following words best describe Jane's personality?

A. Gentle and ladylike.
B. Headlong and selfish.
C. Spiteful and insolent.
D. Passionate and rebellious.
