13. ATM (asynchronous transfer mode) and MPLS (multi-protocol label switching) do not have stateless core networks. What states do they keep? What is the main difference in the way they keep these states?13.ATM(异步传输模式)和MPLS(多协议标签交换)没有无状态的核心网络。他们保持了什么状态?他们保持这些状态的方式上有何主要区别?
14. ATM (asynchronous transfer mode) is an alternative technology for data communications. Why does it have high overhead when interoperating with IP to carry IP packets?14.ATM(异步传输模式)是一种用于数据通信的可选技术。为什么当它与IP互操作承载传输IP数据包时具有很高的开销?
15. MPLS (multi-protocol label switching) is a standard for IP switching that aims to switch most but route few IP packets. What is the barrier to its deployment? How can we reduce the effect of this barrier?15.MPLS(多协议标签交换)是IP交换的一种标准,旨在交换多数但路由少数的IP数据包。将其实施的障碍是什么?如何减少这一障碍的影响?
16. When supporting a protocol, we may put the protocol entity into the kernel or a daemon process. What are the considerations here? That is, when will you put it into the kernel and a daemon, respectively?16.当支持某个协议时,我们可能将协议实体放入内核或守护进程中。这里需要考虑什么?也就是说,分别在什么时候将协议实体放入内核和守护进程?
21. Linux, apache, sendmail, GNU C library, bind, freeS/wan, and snort are popular open source packages. Search on the Internet to find out the license model for each of them, and summarize the differences between these license models.21.Linux、Apache、sendmail、GNU C库、bind、FreeS/WAN和Snort是流行的开源软件包。在互联网上搜索它们的许可证模式,并概括这些许可证模式之间的差异。