There is supposed to be a ____ which serves to give full play to workers' initiative.
A. mechanics
B. machine
C. mechanic
D. mechanism
We should make a clear ____ between the two scientific terms for the purpose of our discussion.
A. separation
B. selection
C. distinction
D. division
位于胸锁乳突肌与斜方肌之间凹陷处、平耳垂的穴位是( ),主治头晕、后头痛、颈痛、眼病。
A. 风池
B. 太阳
C. 人中
D. 百会
位于第七颈椎、第一胸椎棘突之间的穴位是( ),主治发热、颈痛、中暑。
A. 委中
B. 大椎
C. 承山
D. 涌泉
摩擦类手法包括( )。
A. 推
B. 擦
C. 摩
D. 抹