国家采取措施,加大对( )的扶持力度
A. 少数民族医药传承创新
B. 少数民族医药应用发展
C. 少数民族医药人才培养
D. 少数民族医药科研
加强( )建设,促进和规范少数民族医药事业发展。
A. 少数民族医疗机构
B. 少数民族医师队伍
C. 少数民族医师管理人员
D. 少数民族护士队伍
Some research tells us that between ages two and five, children become aware of _____ .
A. gender
B. tender
C. gentle
D. slender
With so many _____ , the exact cost of this experiment is difficult to estimate.
A. vary
B. various
C. variables
D. varieties