
The number of people in space right now can be counted on one hand

A. 5 or less
B. more than 5


The Hubble Telescope is about as long as a school bus

A. 13 meters(40 feet)
B. about 25 meters (80 feet)

Astronauts can now fly to the International Space Station in the time it takes to watch three movies

A. around two hours
B. round six hours

建设中国特色社会主义的首要的基本的理论问题是( )。

A. 解放思想、实事求是
B. 大力发展社会生产力
C. 一切从社会主义初级阶段出发
D. 什么是社会主义怎样建设社会主义

提出“发展才是硬道理”这句话的是( )。

A. 邓小平
B. 毛泽东
C. 胡锦涛
D. 江泽民
